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  1. Hey folks!:) From this post on, we’ll be sharing with you how things are on our side of the screen! We’ll let you in on our thoughts and secrets as well as make sure to keep you updated on what we’re currently working on. Follow the bold and daring plans of our programmers, daydream together with our designers and graphic artists and get the overall vibe of Fishing Planet’s dev team! But first, let us thank you guys for supporting us from the start! We know and remember all those who were with us right from day one and feel that we’ve truly bonded after all these years. We couldn’t have done it without you! And now that we’re officially released it’s almost impossible to believe in the long road that’s been leading us up to this point for the past few years! We’re officially out on Steam as well as PlayStation®4. For those of you who asked about Xbox… Yes, we definitely plan to port the game to this platform and are already working on that! BOATS But the main focus atm is the new big update we’re working on right now! Those of you who were most attentive already noticed the Garage icon we added a while back and guessed correctly in thinking that we’ll be adding Boats soon!;) Not much longer to wait! We’re already preparing a teaser video to give you a sneak peek! This awesome update will come out on Steam first, and after a month or two will become available on PS4. The first update with boats will feature kayaks that you can use for boat fishing on 5 waterways. After a while we plan to add zodiac boats, bass boats and other motorboats as well as extend our boat fishing waterways for more exploration opportunities. NEW LOCATIONS Way back in the beginning of our journey, the Fishing Planet dev team was just a handful of people with countless dreams and numerous plans! We wanted to add waterways and fishing destinations from all around the globe. And it was extremely difficult to narrow our point of focus and choose something specific to put our efforts into. But that choice was made. And as you all know - we began our journey with North America. The variety of fish species in this region played a significant part in this decision. The territory of USA alone is home to over 1000 different kinds of freshwater fish! There are as many as six types of Bass here, that’s not including the hybrid forms. Another reason was that one of our game designers is an avid angler who spent a lot of time traveling this region and was mesmerized with American waterways, knowing exactly which fish species are found there and what their behavior patterns are. But the game is growing and our plans are too! As much as we love these locations, we already started creating European and British fishing destinations. Actually, one British waterway is finished - Weeping Willow Lake and we’ll show you more screenshots soon enough! BOTTOM FISHING But that’s not all. We’re also busy working on 50+ new European fish species, that will be added to the game together with the new ponds. As we already told you in our Q&A, we plan to release the new waterways and fish species together with bottom fishing in one big update. We had plans to add bottom fishing for quite a long time and now finally began working on this cool feature! Right after we release the boat fishing update, we plan to put all our focus into bottom fishing development. Well, that’s probably enough info for now:) We’ll make sure to keep you informed about our plans and overall day-to-day life. It’s hard to decide what to talk about, so how about you help us out and tell us yourselves what you’re interested in and what you’d like to know more about? Please, comment below and let us know!
    2 points
  2. Привет всем!Мы начинаем серию постов, о том как проходят будни разработчиков. Будем вам рассказывать над чем мы работаем и какие идеи нас посещают. Расскажем что планируют программисты, о чём мечтают гейм-дизайнеры и рисуют художники, и с чем сталкивается вся команда разработчиков “Fishing Planet”.Но хотим начать с того, что мы благодарны всем нашим игрокам, за то что поддерживали нас с самого начала. Знаем и помним, что некоторые из вас с самого начала начал, когда проект только-только стартовал.А теперь мы вышли в релиз! Вот правда, самим иногда не верится, что за эти несколько лет мы прошли такой путь! Steam, а теперь и PlayStation®4.И кто спрашивал на Q&A о Xbox? Да, мы будем выходить и на эту платформу, и часть работы уже сделана.Но! Сейчас мы сосредоточились над тем, чтобы выпустить новый, большой апдейт.ЛОДКИСамые внимательные уже заметили иконку “Гараж”, и да, знаем, вы уже догадались -- мы добавим лодки в игру уже в скором времени. Буквально немного осталось подождать. Готовим уже видео-тизер и покажем как всё будет выглядеть.Сначала апдейт выходит на Steam, а через месяц-два, будет и на PS4.В первой версии игрокам будут доступны каяки, с которых можно будет ловить рыбу на 5-ти ключевых водоемах. Чуть позже планируем добавить также надувную моторную лодку и спортивную для ловли хищников, ну и конечно, и другие моторные лодки, а также расширять географию водоемов, на которых будет доступна ловля с лодки.Так что сейчас вся команда активно работает именно над добавлением новых ключевых фичей в игру.НОВЫЕ ЛОКАЦИИВначале, когда было нас только несколько человек и очень много идей, мы видели Fishing Planet со всеми локациями нашей планеты. Тяжело было выбрать что-то одно, но тогда нам пришлось сделать выбор чтобы не распыляться на всё и сразу, а с чего-то начать.И мы выбрали! Как все знают -- Северную Америку. Главную роль сыграло именно разнообразие рыб. Ведь на территории США насчитывается около 1000 видов только пресноводных рыб! Одного басса -- шесть основных видов, не включая множества гибридных форм. Хотя может ещё сыграло роль, что один из гейм-дизайнеров -- страстный любитель рыбалки, часто ездил на эти водоемы и досконально знал какая рыба там обитает, как себя ведёт и всегда рассказывал нам с восторгом об этих местах.Но игра растёт и мы тоже! И нам уже стало тесно на этих локациях, поэтому сейчас уже мы работаем над Европейскими и Британскими водоемами, и один британский уже готов - Weeping Willow Lake, скоро покажем вам больше скриншотов.ДОННАЯ РЫБАЛКА Кроме того, мы работаем над почти полусотней новых видов европейский рыб, которые появятся вместе с водоемами.Как мы уже упоминали в Q&A, мы собираемся релизить новые водоемы и рыбы вместе с донной рыбалкой. Мы давно хотели её добавить и уже начали активные работы над реализацией данного функционала, а после выпуска апдейта с лодочками собираемся сосредоточить главные силы для ее разработки.Это пока всё для первого выпуска. Но мы будем продолжать и дальше рассказывать о наших планах и буднях разработчиков. Поэтому, пишите в комментариях, какая тема вам интересна? Что бы вы хотели узнать? Чтобы вам было интересно почитать в следующем выпуске?
    2 points
  3. I had a similar incident happen to me a while back. Not as severe, but none the less a bit annoying. I'm thinking I was headed to Michigan. Stocked up on a massive amount of shinners and large minnows ready to hit pike alley wide open. Checked all my gear, changed line, repaired everthing, and off I went. Only to my dismay...when I went to equip my float gear...no bobber. Left everyone I had at home. Not a total loss by no means, but still dissapointing.
    2 points
  4. Just wanted to take a minute and share some knowledge with the beginner and maybe intermediate fisherman out there. I started playing FP just a day or two after release, after may son called me and said "dad you outta check out this new fishing game for PS4". So, I downloaded it, and I've played it...every single day since lol. And I figure like the mojority of us, I fumbled around for the first week just trying to figure everything out. Some of things that helped me along was first, research. As many of us know, there are some great youtube tutorials. Watch them and take notes. Secondly, there is the uber sheet guide. What I did was print every single thing listed in the said uber guide, from reel drag settings, balanced combinations, location summary, preferred baits and all the venue data etc. The whole damn enchilada. Then I made folders and labeled them for each venue. And then sorted the data accordingly, highlighting primo fishing times, prefered baits, notes that I had taken from watching youtube videos etc., and inserted the data into the appropriate venue folder. So then when I went to a venue, I could refer back to my folder that I had set up for that particular venue. (And yes, I did purchase some DLC to get me jumpstarted). So here I am now at level 37. 500 or so bait coins and around $475,000.00 in cash. Just about all the equipment I need, and now I can just sit back enjoy the fishing without the grind. So if you find your stuck, grinding to level up, catching trophies and uni's, and not making any money, do yourself a favor and research those videos and utilize those uber sheets. Believe me, they will definatley help, and will begin too see some profit. And like I said, even if you only have ten bucks, by the starter pack. You get some good beginning gear, a couple of pond passes, some coinage, and above all, a week of premium. And if you play 2 or 3 hours a day, and stay at one venue for at least a couple of days at a time, and using said premium, you'll see a big increase in experience and money. Hope this may help some of out.
    2 points
  5. So thanks to Jeff for enlightening us, dead mice, pigs eyes and rotten minnows are available in the NC store. If they're in any other ( I believe the spooky gar were in Florida too ) do chime in and say so. These were part of the Gar-O-Ween event on PC where certain new fish species were added for a limited time, so it's presumable we're getting the same event. While the baits are live, the fish don't seem to be yet...but the event hasn't started yet. However, you just downloaded 4 gigs ;-) All thanks to the devs for bringing us this bit of fun, dread to think how much they have on their plate with all the requests and demands. We've already seen kayaks and European venues are on the way, including a British lake ( it will have to rain 306 days a year to be accurate ). Anyway, get those wallets out. The event baits are baitcoin only and once they're gone - they're gone. So if you like any of them, stock up now. Whatever you spend on ciggies/beer/junkfood/hookers in one day...spend it on these baits and give something back to the devs who gave us this great game. If you refuse to spend real money, don't post in a month or two whinging that someone was bagging up on dead mice or getting unis on rotten minnows. Once these baits are gone, they're gone. So stock up or shut up a month or two down the road. No affiliation to the devs whatsoever btw, just a loyal gamer who believes they deserve our hard earned and will give short thrift to anyone who moans that they ' don't have that bait ' this time next month. Could we see furry trout and candy canes for Christmas? That depends on everyone reading this. I don't mind admitting I've spent a bit of my own money on this game, and it was totally worth it. Show your support. Instead of demanding everything for nothing, give them some love back and it'll help bring about those features you're all yammering for.
    2 points
  6. Awesome ;-) I've played CoD for years and that community, both ingame and on forums is absolutely poisonous. There is no help or advice at all, verbal abuse everywhere and vets looking down on newbies. Play this game and everyone wants to help everyone. Chats appear onscreen with congratulations or offering advice, people add people as friends, friend requests are flying everywhere and I'm joining rooms and seeing the very same guys talking here. There's no bitchiness anywhere, it's all such a change I'm amazed. I'm joining rooms and people are saying hi because they've seen me on here. Myself and some other guy had some banter with Predator 666 who is currently top of the leaderboards a day or two ago, and he bantered right back. There's no elitism at all, it's brilliant. I find myself spending money to travel and sending screenshots to people when they've asked for specific advice - and I don't begrudge it at all. I've already made several good friends by playing this game, and have yet to come across a single troll ( WP has though, I had the screenshot lol ). In short, I'm praising each and every one of you guys and the community we have. It's very rare to see so many people willing to help others these days. I also love the way I haven't seen a single comment on here or in game regarding language skills. This game is truly worldwide and there is no prejudice at all, we all just want to catch fish and have fun. Pat on the back to us all on that one. Say hi if you see me, will always chat and if you think your English is bad, I guarantee my grasp of your language is far worse! ;-)
    1 point
  7. Click Here To See Standings Page // Enter Competition Here. I know it says Spotted Bass Competition, It will correct itself when comp goes live. Everyone Do A Little Jig!!!RULE CHANGE: SEE Rule 2b!!Screenshot Code Is: EFREETPOINTS NORMALIZATION EXPLAINEDWalleye = (Weight X 2.01) Northern Pike = (Weight X 1.53) Yellow Perch = (Weight X 3.05) Click Here To Learn How To Save/Share Steam Screenshots
    1 point
  8. Last count, I had 41 spools of line in backpack and home. I sell what I don't need, I really do. But taking 4 outfits to a venue means I need everything from 8lb to 40lb. I only have 13 spools in my backpack in my defence. Shads and grubs I haven't counted, crankbaits I have at 15. What's your klepto fetish?
    1 point
  9. Here are some good thoughts and special mojo coming your way my brother. Hoping your next day on the lakes will be your all time best.
    1 point
  10. Sorry dude, but that tale of woe actually made me laugh out loud. Schadenfreude Shamee, if you're really that badly stuck in a rut I'd consider spending 5 or 10 dollars on baitcoins and converting them to in-game cash to allow you to go somewhere more profitable. 100 baitcoins gives you 10,000 cash, so you don't need to buy many. Not an ideal solution admittedly, but it'll save you from getting frustrated with the game.
    1 point
  11. I'm makin' a list...checkin' it twice...gonna find out what fishes have been naughty or nice...lol
    1 point
  12. Well, at level 28 your undoubtably experienced, and didn't get this far by puddle jumping lol. There's problably no advice I could give. (Maye a couple of days of premium might help you out the hole). I remember your post about the keep net snafu. Must of stung a bit.
    1 point
  13. until
    All will be welcome Starts on 10/16/17 at 12:01am and runs thru till 10/22/17 at 11:59pm
    1 point
  14. The way I read this, the updates and new features will be all inclusive in the current main game software without the need to purchase say Fishing Planet - European Waterways. That’s awesome of the developers to do it this way vs. the way other software developers who create additional venues as purchase options. Much appreciated guys! Would be cool to share our new ride with a fishing buddy or two, but appreciate you bringing it this far. Big thumbs up to the Fishing Planet developers!
    1 point
  15. And, not wishing to tempt fate or belittle the devs in any way, the rest. They have so much going on even I find it unbelievable - topwaters, night fishing, boats, Europe, jerkbaits, swimbaits.... We have to accept we will always be behind PC, as that platform is what this game is optimized for and they've had it for 2 years now. Changes are coming. Not many other devs participate on forums. They've just given us the Halloween baits the PC had..
    1 point
  16. Yea gifting any item would be awesome. Not rolling in funds lol, but would like to gift anything. Pretty sure even if they did add store wide gifting later, it'd be something like only unused/unequipped items or baitcoin items. Tho if it was only for very special items on pc, they'll probably stick w/ that layout on ps4.
    1 point
  17. Oh well, month or 2... or even more
    1 point
  18. For what its worth some people have to cut em some slack regarding updates on ps4. The verification process on ps4 is much different than pc and sony actually goes through it themselves to verify which almost always adds 2 weeks or a month to the process of a large update. Theres a few examples of coinciding updates on certain games but that usually requires bigger teams and holding back the pc release to coincide with sony verification. At any rate thanks for all the hard work on such an awesome game and I look forward to you expanding on it over time. I'd rather have perpetually evolving games over yearly sequels any day.
    1 point
  19. Where did you get a month from? No timeline was stated. You're setting yourself up for a fall and a narky post. When it happens it'll be awesome, but unless I missed something reading the OP 4 times, you've plucked ' a month ' out of the air? " A month or two after Steam release " was the comment.
    1 point
  20. I would like to inquire info on fly fishing. Will you add it to the game?
    1 point
  21. Sounds fantastic, can't wait! Love the game so far and it can only get better. My wallet is already trembling in fear..
    1 point
  22. The answer is simple - the game is already alive for 2+ years and grown up twice for this time. We will keep servers up at least 5+ years from now (actually I think 20+). Also, Xbox One version is coming in next half of the year with more servers. And kayaks coming next week, so your unlimited licenses will work for a very LONG time.
    1 point
  23. This lake produces some big catches. When your there next time, just ask where the holes are. Everyone I've met there is very friendly and willing to help. The holes are small and fishing the backside of the hole is tricky but has proved successful for me. The lake rises and falls so adjust accordingly. Gar: "Down South" To the extreme left - 18" - 23" Leader - #4/0-#7/0 Hook - Craw Fish/Cut Bait - 100' - 70' - Right side of trees - 6pm-8pm, 10pm-12pm & 3am -5am (20" leader seams to be their level) Blue Catfish "Swampy Open Space" To the extreme left -" 99" Leader - #7/0 Hook - Shiners/Cut Bait/Large Minnows - 125' - 115' Out - All day long Flatheads "Swampy Open Space" Right side - 99" Leader - #4/0-#7/0- Shiners/Cut Bait/Large Minnows - 120'-110' Out Left of trees - Peak Times Hope that helps you get a monster! Good luck.
    1 point
  24. yeah, i could of swore it was equipped and i checked but when i got to florida there was nothing there wasted 12k
    0 points
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