Just wanted to take a minute and share some knowledge with the beginner and maybe intermediate fisherman out there. I started playing FP just a day or two after release, after may son called me and said "dad you outta check out this new fishing game for PS4". So, I downloaded it, and I've played it...every single day since lol. And I figure like the mojority of us, I fumbled around for the first week just trying to figure everything out.
Some of things that helped me along was first, research. As many of us know, there are some great youtube tutorials. Watch them and take notes. Secondly, there is the uber sheet guide. What I did was print every single thing listed in the said uber guide, from reel drag settings, balanced combinations, location summary, preferred baits and all the venue data etc. The whole damn enchilada. Then I made folders and labeled them for each venue. And then sorted the data accordingly, highlighting primo fishing times, prefered baits, notes that I had taken from watching youtube videos etc., and inserted the data into the appropriate venue folder. So then when I went to a venue, I could refer back to my folder that I had set up for that particular venue. (And yes, I did purchase some DLC to get me jumpstarted).
So here I am now at level 37. 500 or so bait coins and around $475,000.00 in cash. Just about all the equipment I need, and now I can just sit back enjoy the fishing without the grind. So if you find your stuck, grinding to level up, catching trophies and uni's, and not making any money, do yourself a favor and research those videos and utilize those uber sheets. Believe me, they will definatley help, and will begin too see some profit. And like I said, even if you only have ten bucks, by the starter pack. You get some good beginning gear, a couple of pond passes, some coinage, and above all, a week of premium. And if you play 2 or 3 hours a day, and stay at one venue for at least a couple of days at a time, and using said premium, you'll see a big increase in experience and money. Hope this may help some of out.