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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/17/17 in all areas

  1. I will sit there for 10 or 20 minutes and my float doesn't twitch. But, the instant I; Scratch my arse Adjust my junk Pick up a drink Light a ciggie Stick a finger up my nose to mine for green gold Pick up a snack Have a look at my phone Open chat. Bam, the float goes and I invariably end up juggling an open beer, a cigarette and an open pack of doritos frantically trying to pick the pad up. And just like real fishing, I never learn my lesson and end up missing the bite. Thank God you can't get tangled in trees otherwise my crankbait casualty list would be shockingly high every day. Nothing quite like leaving a £12 lure dangling from a branch, glad the game didn't replicate that!
    5 points
  2. Finally topped the ton..
    2 points
  3. This may be nieve but we would hope it’s a level playing field based on random algorithms and luck for any player entering the game or comps. Unless, “they” have a secret button on their mouse that turns on the fish. Wait ...... didn’t’ quite mean it that way...... never mind.
    2 points
  4. It really depends on what you want to fish in Florida Bob. If you just wanna fish for Peacock and Largemouth bass, i would advise 10lb line as a minimum. Bigger trophys or uniques will give a good fight on that. If you also want to fish for snook, tarpon and red drum, then use about 20lb gear. They are big fish that fight hard.
    2 points
  5. The PC platform really doesn’t have its own area in the forum, though this might be appropriate here and include all platforms. Everybody's welcome. Might be fun to show off including bragging rights for your Trophy and Unique (Only) catches in FishingPlanet. These are the big ones guys. The fighters that raises your heartbeat, damaged your equipment, invoked jealousy on everyone watching and caused the chat box go crazy with “WOW, NF, N1, VNF” etc. Show us what ya got! Post Them Up!
    1 point
  6. Yeah it's the same button for striking to hook the fish just sorting out a video clip to show. Link to video in OP.
    1 point
  7. Try this. Once the rod disappears the first time, go back to rod and hit x to put it in loadout again. Then go to left side highlight rod and press x to unequip it. Then equip it again and try adding the reel and stuff. I know this works when the reel disappears trying to add line. I'm only level 28 with 3 rods so I haven't had a rod disappear from loadout yet. Something about unequipping it resets the gear though and allows it to go through after. Worth a shot.
    1 point
  8. Picture this, Texas is our home you should allow us to customize it. so if we start up a friends only lobby or start up a host server. we could use bait coins or cash in the game to buy lawn chairs ect. to set up around the yard. or objects in the water to create environment for fish, and use the house for everyone else's idea, customize the home be able to go in the house and see your trophy's on the wall, this idea has open ended opportunity's for everyone to enjoy.
    1 point
  9. Bug.. Restart the game.. Sometimes when i trying to equip line, game automaticlly remove my rod and tell me i have to equip rod first to equip line. just restarting helps. =)
    1 point
  10. I know it would be extremely helpful for me when setting up points normalizations for my bi-weekly competitions for the community.
    1 point
  11. Two within an hour. Others were hitting Uni's every couple of minutes.
    1 point
  12. Man I would love this option. A saveable case for each lake would be great
    1 point
  13. Can't do that as of yet, but I think it's a grand idea. Hmmmm... should I start my rod case collection now?
    1 point
  14. Yes, i know they have a vibrate for low line tension but imo it should be the opposite so it vibrates when the fish is fighting giving more feedback.
    1 point
  15. Pro Hookers are tearing it up in Lone Star Lake, fishing for Spotted Bass in Trulight's competition. Yes, OFC it's photoshoped. I just did this for fun and giggles, hope you enjoyed
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. Small minnows is better in the long run due to costing you way less to replace and the bowfin and gar bother you less on minnows. I only use shiners in lakes I have to (example Alberta and Michigan for trophy Pike ) due to it's high cost. When small minnows work in a lake always go for them to save yourself money.
    1 point
  18. I would have never dreamed i catch something like this today, what a fight it was too.
    1 point
  19. They don't have stamina per say. For instance in real life you can catch a 12 lb fish on 4 lb line, given enough time, and proper usage of drag/techniques. In game you have to have a certain amount of drag applied to the fish, before it actually *tires* the fish out. There are fights in game that are infinite and you'll never land the fish as you aren't applying enough drag to overcome it's strength.
    1 point
  20. Same for me, a restart was the only way around it I could find. Doesn't happen often, but when it does it's a pain.
    0 points
  21. am from jordan middle east i never tried fishing even though i wanted to for a long time but we only have the dead sea here and the rest is desert closest fishing area would be red sea gulf and thats 8 hours away from here so at least i got fishing planet to keep me patient until i relocate
    0 points
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