Wow, that was unforgettable! Epic way to spend the 4th of July! And now, with the 1st Qualifying Round of Independence Trout Open behind us, we are thrilled to announce our first lucky Top-20 Trout anglers who’ll be heading straight on to the tournament’s Semifinal Round held on July 8th in Oregon!
If you don’t find yourself on the list - just give the Qualifiers another go or two Cuz there are still two more chances left!
1 N.A.Y.A-50Cent
2 leox
3 UA_Sergiy
4 Sergei-SA
5 rachy
7 Vermillion666
8 COM.MY_wrongHOLE
9 kos1904
10 Player121122
12 wlad7160
13 LeviathanVII
14 Palavino
15 IFS-Kraken
16 Karlson3
17 IkanCelaka
18 ademarcus_it
19 COM.MY_Amarull
20 N.A.Y.A-anno20