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Posts posted by Tmif

  1. My thoughts....

    1. Why wasn't the mission that once finished, allows you to get tokens, first?

    2. Return of the Blue Error.

    3. The constant 1-2 second freeze.

    4. The uneven distribution of fish by color. Does everyone still need the red variety of every fish?

    5. Why put every species together. Better uf some places only had goby or aracu.

    6. Cookie groundbait is terrible. I dare someone to try to complete the crappie portion using just the groundbait.

    Other than that, how was the play Mr. Lincoln?




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  2. First check whether the setup is complete, i.e. bait, lure, bobber, etc. The slot number of the rod should be green. If it's red you are missing something. If all slots are green, then it probably is a bug.

    I have encountered this bug several times, and while annoying, can usually be solved by restarting the game. Don't leave the lake. Just restart and see if that fixes it. Sometimes you can work around this by going to the inventory, cycle to the rod you want, then back to the lake. Im on ps4, so it would be Options, rod 3, options again.

    All else fails, email support. You'll get a quicker response than in here.

  3. 10 hours ago, Support_Team said:

    Please submit a ticket at support@fishingplanet.com with your nickname and competition details included, we'll check the game data regarding this case. At the moment we received only one report from @Tmif and unable to reproduce it. 

    Just me? Well, then I volunteer my services as a tester since it seems I,and I alone, am either skilled or unlucky enough to uncover these rare issues.

    • Haha 1
  4. 1 hour ago, mitderplatte said:

    Well, while I was very excited for this update, I must say that it seems to be bugged on PS4

    Had the same issue. I sent an email to support and apparently they are unable to see the issue in the game data. They requested a video of the problem.

    When they work, they are fun. Hope they get it sorted.

    • Like 3
  5. 2 hours ago, Dennis_FP said:

    Hi, we need to clarify that if you are on a small location like Emerald, you need to slow down your boat speed to catch the Rainbow, when you are on a large location like Tiber River the rainbow position will not depend on your boat speed

    Specifically, I was referring to Michigan. The gate pops up in the opposite direction the previous gates have you headed.

  6. I have watched many streams of the new waterway, and I have to say that I am cautiously optimistic. I agree that the costs seem high. The repair on that new big net will be around $2000 per day. And only having 2 pegs, coupled with the lack of rodholders on boats, concerns me. It looks beautiful, and the new species seem interesting.

    My main concern is that in the streams I have watched, it seems like all the testers parked at the same few spots (ie the half sunk barge). Hopefully there is more testing going on behind the scenes and not just early access for some.

    • Like 1
  7. 5 hours ago, Del_Udy said:

    Don't leave the lake, advance to next day to empty your keeper. Fish until you have recovered the travel costs and license fees and some repair costs, depending on the length of your stay.. Keep fishing after that to reap some profit.

    Listen to Del. He knows of what he speaks. Btw we all did it when we started.

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  8. I play only on PS4 so PC might be different. But there is a big difference between regular fishing and comps. There is a whole pattern/system to be learned to do well. I have 3 wins mostly by luck. Check the old posts, there are numerous posts about cheating in comps, some maybe by me. They aren't cheating. It's a system altogether separate you have to learn. I wish they were different, but cheating ain't the problem.

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  9. Narrowed the problem down to jigheads. It works normally until I equip a rod with a jig on and try to scroll through the various shads and such. It only shows jigheads in the circles. That is when R1and L1 stop working. Guess it's manual switching and avoiding jigs for a while.

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