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Everything posted by Tmif

  1. While I agree with most of the posts denouncing cheating, this is at least the 3rd or 4th topic covering this issue. Let's face facts. FP, either willfully or through inaction, doesn't care.
  2. Seriously curious as to which rule you are referring to. Only thing I can see that comes close to what you are referring to is 4.02 which deals with "intentionally exploiting the physics system" to bring in fish faster or bigger. Using a larger setup is not exploiting the physics system.
  3. Came back to play the tourney after a break only to almost quit because the menu was impossibly slow to navigate. I didn't even bring all the lures I wanted because it took too long to move items. Not gonna even try the second qualifier.
  4. Tmif


    TROPHY. Your profile says you only have caught a regular blackfish at .440lb.
  5. They are live now.
  6. These final results are not even close to the ones listed in the game either. Shenanigans!
  7. To be clear, i'm not complaining because I have a ton of stuff and don't want to get rid of it. I have 259 home storage slots because I didn't break up my line into 3' segments to game the system. Between this trash and all the stuff I had to buy for the beginner missions, I am close to full.
  8. I read on Facebook that underwater items were junk and could be discarded. Could we get an official word on if these items can be removed? Previously, FP said they would be useful in the missions and they weren't. I only have 10 storage spots left and am currently holding onto 14 backlash, 5 bat wings, 5 jawbones, 2 nooses, and 5 candle ends. The backlash also says "loot" when you pull one in. I would just like a definitive answer if I should hang onto this stuff.
  9. Kayak out until you see the yellow diamond disappear. The mission must be tracked to see it. Throw a float into the water to check the current. Position yourself so that the diamond disappears and the float goes from your R to L or L to R. Doesn't matter which. You don't have to be in the mist with your kayak. I was casting 25 or so feet out and letting it float from one side to the other. Candy, bloodworms, wax worms, and maggots at 10" deep. I used #4 hook but saw others use from #1 - #8. Some said they varied their depth from min to max, min to max, etc. I caught 300 total fish to complete this mission. Hang in there. I'm on PS4 or I would show you.
  10. Yeah, i'm aware of the timer at night. It skips every time I press square. Can't even go from night to night. Longstanding issue that was supposedly fixed.
  11. Trying to fast forward to peak times and it always auto skips to morning! I guess those extra baitcoins I supposedly got will come in handy.
  12. Went fast in NY with everything but the silicon spider. Cast at the uni pickeral spot 3 speed stop n go middle of water.
  13. Ok. I don't know if I received any additional baitcoins as I have been avoiding watching that total as I have had to spend so many on this event it was depressing to see my total go down.
  14. What are the rewards? I didn't receive anything other than maybe cash.
  15. I didn't find a bluegill specific bait. Bloodworms, wax worms, and maggots all work but you will catch other fish. I caught almost 300 fish to get my bluegills. And the last spot, don't use maggots. The freshwater drum went crazy for them.
  16. Waiting to see what tonights pumpkin run brings before I decide to continue these missions. Had 10 pig's eyes and caught 2 albino gar. At that rate, with 4 baitcoins for 5 eyes, I would need to spend 44 baitcoins to finish that mission. Similarly, I assume, with ogres and dead mice.
  17. I missed last years Halloween event but heard all the stories. The way they rolled it into missions is great. In MI, the skull forming mist and the creepy jack o lantern moon guy eyeballin me are awesome. And the look of all these fish are amazing. Just wish everything didn't require(pumpkins right...if you get lucky) baitcoins or days waiting for a bite.
  18. Jupiter spot...4 hours game time, 44 fish total, 4 bluegill skeletons. I must be in the wrong spot.
  19. Managed to get the first 7 at first spot with #4 @ 30". Second spot couldn't get 1.
  20. Need tips on the bluegill skeleton at the "power places" in Michigan. Catching everything but them.
  21. 20 minutes of nothing for me at their spot. 5 casts, 5 fish from the dock with shiners! All I had to do was get in the kayak and they magically counted.
  22. Was there a new mission with this update? I had a mission to catch fish from a kayak in NY but it had no reward.
  23. Tmif


    Somebody caught one on the 7th. Looks like there is 1 a month.
  24. Tmif


    I'm sure it's mythical nature will be addressed in the next update.
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