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Posts posted by Tmif

  1. 11 minutes ago, Pikered said:

    I understand what you say. but the second account is to fix the errors. get to the high level a little stronger in personal rating. I'm not really last, so I do not have to beat amateurs for my ego. but I have to correct many mistakes and this is not cheating.

    Playing a competition with multiple accounts is cheating according to FP. And you did have an amateur account. All your post is saying is that others are cheating more than you are.

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  2. Sandropen was nice enough to share his experience with catching the trophy. I spent several hours recreating the conditions to no avail. I even tried to just catch a regular blackfish on a lure. Nothing. There is not even a preferred lure bit on the species page. My only conclusion is that the devs purposefully made it near impossible, or it is broke and a bug causes it to be near impossible. I give up until I see evidence that catching one is more likely than seeing Bigfoot wielding Excalibur and riding a unicorn.

    • Haha 3
  3. I have spent more time than I care to trying to catch this. Different spots, baits, and hook sizes. I have never caught a blackfish on a lure but i'll admit I haven't really tried because I value the little bit of sanity I have left. I have sent a message to Sandropen in hopes he takes mercy on me and will share any information.

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  4. So no new trophies caught. Not even by accident in the Battle of Kaniq. The top blackfish on the leaderboard is always .441 which tells me that is the programmed max limit on that fish. Maybe the trophy is just REALLY rare.

  5. 17 minutes ago, Del_Udy said:

    There was one trophy Alaska Blackfish on the PS4 leaderboard when I checked last night.

    It was 0.722 lbs. I believe I have seen trophies at 0.482 lbs. I am not far off at 0.441.

    Yes, but according to their profile they caught it on the 19th. It wasnt on the leaderboard until a couple of days ago. So far the user has not replied to a message or friend request. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, Pikered said:

    Goodmorning everyone. But in short, do these tricks exist? Explain it to everyone, so let's see what happens. Whoever wins with the tricks must be hunted.

    Someone is using your name to do amateur competitions. Check out PikeRed_gz. 

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  7. Still haven't seen a trophy blackfish, but I got an answer.


    Diana.S (Fishing Planet)

    Sep 24, 13:50 EEST

    This fish available on PS4 as well as on Steam. 

    Best regards, Diana
    Senior Customer Support Specialist

    • Like 1
  8. Now the species list on PS4 says there is a trophy blackfish??? However, there was none on the leaderboard. I emailed support last week to get a definitive answer and the answer I got was "give us some time to investigate". How long does it take to find out if a trophy is there or not?

    • Haha 1
  9. 4 minutes ago, sabiScs said:

    You can participate don't worry Three Fishing Planet Story with the biggest number of likes will win Premium 

    That doesn't answer the question. Let me explain why I ask.

    1. I guess the Facebook one is over but i'm not sure. If I post on your video, am I competing with those stories?

    2. FP is a company with a reputation, email address, statutory agent if necessary and is bound by certain laws. I'm sure this is all on the up and up but I don't know you. With FP I have recourse should any problems arise.

    3. If this is not affiliated with FP, how do you propose to give me premium on PS4 should I win? Would the winner get a check in the mail; paypal?

    So again, is this affiliated with Fishing Planet or not?

    • Like 1
  10. 5 hours ago, sabiScs said:

    If you are not a Facebook member, you can comment your Fishing Planet story on my YouTube Channel below my one of the Anniversary Cup video

    So is this affiliated with Fishing Planet or different? Someone needs to say because someone could miss a chance to win if they only enter on one or the other.

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  11. 9 hours ago, Dennis_FP said:

    Hey, guys!
    In that Patch, we are releasing some bugfix to make our game more qualitative and comfortable for our players.
    Bluescreen in tournaments fix.

    Complex bugfix includes:

    • Alaska ambiance sound fix;
    • Photomod bug fix;
    • Inventory repair button fix;
    • Complex cursor and controller bug fix.

    Thank you for your patience and have a great fishing!


  12. 9 hours ago, McCochA said:

    No all fish was fishing with barbless


    Google translate says "hamecon" from screenshot means hook. I don't speak french so maybe it means barbless hook?

    1 hour ago, X-xH3aDxS4o7x-X said:

    I will say that the same thing happened to me during the semi-final. I blue screened 4 times. At one point my smallest fish was 3.9lbs and I had a full bag. After blue screening and coming back into the game I had 4 fish at 2lbs, and only 9 fish in my bag. I'm just posting this because it happened to me too, but there's no point in submitting a ticket. Every time I've emailed them or made a ticket I get told that it's my fault or their records don't show what happened to me. It blows, but just take your lumps and move on. You're not going to get anywhere with "support".


    Lost 4.1 lbs due to bluescreen and several minutes to restart. 4 would've made me throw my controller across the room. Also only caught one 2 lb fish in the first 30 minutes trying multiple lures and multiple pegs. Fish just seemed turned off. Sent an email but not holding my breath for the inevitable "working as intended" or "wrong spot" reply.

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