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mitderplatte last won the day on July 10 2022

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About mitderplatte

  • Birthday 05/27/1983

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  1. ... just a yearly reminder
  2. Thank you so much for adding this to the game!
  3. 2 years later: still a great idea! Next reminder coming up in 2 years from now And just in case you guys have already been working on the idea: a filter would be nice, too! Like an option to hide all red / green / whatever buoys, in case you have set up your buoy colors categorized by fish, and just wanna show pike buoys for the pike tourney
  4. https://imgur.com/a/4RjAv76 (I think the game should at least tell you that the connection to the server was lost. We only figured something was wrong after 10 minutes without a single bite / failed bite. Had to restart the game to even realize that it can't connect to the server at all. Every other online game kicks you out immediately when the connection is lost. But noo, not fishing planet. It lets you fish for a while, lose some time, and then kicks you out after 15 or so minutes )
      • 1
      • Haha
  5. Quickest tourney of my life Definitely in the top 5 of my best gaming moments..
  6. Yeah, they added / changed the shaders or something with the 4.0.0 congo river update. You can read about it on steam in the update notes: The sunsets look really nice now, but for some cases, it's way too extreme. Especially in the night time, it's way too dark. Even with the headlamp, you can't see sh*t on Quanchkin Lake. haha. For the PC version, they added an option in the video settings to disable what they call "post fx" with the 4.0.1 update: Unfortunately, the console version(s) don't have the video settings tab at all. Which is a pity, as especially the PS4 version has gotten even more laggy than it was before. It's gotten to a point now where it's almost unplayable. Everytime you change spots, you gotta wait at least 5 seconds for the stuttering to stop, before you can even start doing anything. And the constant 3-4 second lags from previous versions of the game are still present. It'd be nice if they could give us the option to turn off post fx for more performance, too. Maybe even some options to turn down other aspects of the graphics quality as well. I don't care much for all the glowing and lensflare effects and orange sunsets when I'm in a competition, I must say. But I don't know if that's technically possible on consoles. Especially since I've not seen graphics options in other games, either. I guess they'd have to do different optimized versions for PS4 and PS5. And that's probably not gonna happen My friends who are already playing it on PS5 said that the performance issues are gone there. And I do understand that the game is primarily optimized for PC, and PS4 can't hold up with the hardware requirements anymore. But it'd be nice to have the option to play the game like it used to be, and trade away some of the nice graphics for a more stable experience.
  7. The Topic is from June 2019. 2 and a half years later, still no fix.. Makes you wonder why we even report bugs..
  8. Mighty Carp Qualifier #2 anybody? 2 hours beep beep bidibibeep beep
  9. Hey guys Can I join the rookie club?
  10. Hey guys, Just a minor thing, that's been present for a while now: If you travel to a lake, and don't have a license yet, the game pop ups a message telling you that it would be smart to buy one. From there, you can press a button (I think it's X on PS4), and get sent to the in-game shop, where it shows you the two licenses for that specific lake (basic & advanced), that can be purchased. If you do that with Alaska, it also sends you to the shop, but it doesn't apply the filter "Alaska" to the shop. It just shows every single license for every single lake. Which means you gotta scroll through the pages and find the one for Alaska. As I said, just a minor thing. But it's been present for months now. Thought I'd finally report it so it can get fixed for everyones convenience
  11. Please, can u guys look into this again? It's still not working for me for the spinning rods. As of now, one can only adjust the reeling speed once the lure is actually in the water. It's not possible to adjust it before you do the cast, and it's not possible to adjust it while the lure is flying. Casting rods work fine. Not too sure about match, feeder, and bottom rods, but it's not really as big of a matter on those, I guess (Talking about PS4 here.)
  12. I think this was in the forums before. Somewhere. Can't find it. Would be great to have an option to turn down the rodpod beeps separately. I think it's linked to the ambient sounds. And while I love to hear the wildlife around me while fishing, the rodpod beeping gets unbelievably annoying
  13. Just a reminder. Differently colored buoys - maybe even flowing ones for the night and cloudy conditions (NL and quanchkin comes to mind) would be great!
  14. Should be easy to fix. Drop the support team an email (support@fishingplanet.com), so they can forward it to the devs. From my experience, they don't read the forums much. If you also got screenshots of the comps & players in charge, I guess it's only a matter of days to ban them. Thanks for sharing it with the community, though. Sad to hear that some people feel the need to harass other people. In a fishing game, of all places..
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