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  1. Just curious, how much $$$ have you spend on FP? In total, including Premium, DLC pack, etc.
  2. you are worse player than is usual, expected or desirable;
  3. In the absence of competitions, they write overwhelmingly about topics they love.
  4. they are from Brazil?
  5. It is too easy to find fault, to point a finger, without any facts or proof Miles Smith(Hate_ful) ask your private doctor or hospital clinic physician for information as to how you can obtain a psychiatrist examination.
  6. Rotacomando & Sabiscs persons who act dishonestly in order to gain an advantage. Why don't people just play what they want to play and let others do the same?
  7. Sabiscs felt a twinge of envy from the people on board! some may even feel envy in that they wish they could feel the same way.
  8. very funny, the right person says who has already opened 2 accounts or player who has been disqualified before from a tournament. I heard about you a lot! I saw your channel and noticed you are robbing content from the other YouTube creators (Shamino etc).
  9. someone afraid? train hard! I will catch you! Dont worry:D
  10. perché tu sei imbroglione
  11. 1000uni I know you are one of them who sitting in the Bush.lol
  12. what are you talking about? who you are? please concentrate on the game is time to get some plus points in the game as well no just on a forum. ok buddy just show some skills
  13. ok last time DontWorrySmile is not a drunkkiller and stop abusing DontWorrySmile name.
  14. over 10 players banned of 60 players. thats what im talking about
  15. above named nick, not the same person 1000%
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