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Found 11 results

  1. Hello, I was wondering if there will be Christmas event fish?
  2. Kpshamino has the best youtube videos for this game (in my opinion)... he says go to mid night... fishing his same spot I've already caught 3 between 9-10 pm, just a heads up so you don't waste night game time. GOOD LUCK!
  3. does the gar tournament announcement mean that there will be no halloween event this year?
  4. So I have noticed that top 5 in competitions almost always are the same people. And they always pull away with huge numbers. And these people have played on steam and now the windows version. Crossplay is great but it litteraly sucks doing competitions when on the xbox. There must be something that is alot better on pc that makes it easier to catch fish. There is no way of keeping up. People are in chat talking about hax etc. I understand they are good and have played alot. But how do they always get good RNG? Anyone have input on this? Please reply. I think this might be interesting to figure out
  5. Bonjour à toutes et tous. J'ai pu constater "in-game" que certaines personnes posaient beaucoup de questions sur la manière d'effectuer les différentes missions. Voici des infos pratiques que je peux vous donner : /!\ SPOILER ALERT /!\ J'espère que toutes ces infos pourront vous aider. N'hésitez pas à me poser des questions si une info vous manque. Bonne pêche à toutes et tous, bande d'aguicheurs intrépides ! INDEX: HL : hauteur de ligne / FT : Fishing technique / PN : Poisson nageur
  6. I would like to know if the Dev team and the community would like to see a larger selection of baits being used during the events. Like a spoon or crank and even ANYTHING GOES event in Florida. I believe this would really give an added excitement to catching a ton of fish. I also was wondering if there will ever be a specific event for catch anything you want on every lake and the best bag wins? This may open up an extremely interesting challenge for the community. Thanks in advance for your feedback and comments. Tight lines all! Peace
  7. I bought St Patrick's day pack. spent lot of time try catch specie fish(Leprachaun and Rowdy bass) lost nearly all special baits (Dunken worm & Bully Grasshopper) because only regular fish bite. all for the FP big mistakes. why? because event no active! very unfair release some dlc pack in PSstore which is no active.
  8. No matter how grown up we get, Christmas time never fails to excite with the tingling anticipation of something magical in the air...just around the corner! And this time the feeling is right, with plenty of holiday magic, fairytale fish, fireworks and festive excitement waiting for you! This holiday season, join our fairytale fishing adventure with fantastic Antlered Salmon and Furry Trout that were spotted in snowy Canada! Have fun catching these magical Christmas event fish while the fireworks are blasting and complete the Myth Buster and Deer Hunter challenges to get unique holiday rewards. You can also try to complete the new Fishy Racing challenge and get a unique Elven Kayak as a prize! Then of course, do not forget about Christmas Giant’s Tour - the final fishing Tournament of 2017. Christmas Special Packs For a full joy of this special event we compiled the limited Christmas Magic Pack with unique collectible holiday-themed rods and reels! Steam American PSN Store European PSN Store* *will be available at midnight December 21st Also you can get a Santa’s Kayak Pack which is every angler's perfect Christmas present! The best goodie in this giftbox is a collectible Christmas kayak, decorated to look like a real Santa's Sleigh! Steam American PSN Store European PSN Store* *will be available at midnight December 21st And don’t forget to collect your Christmas presents, hidden around all waterways! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Fishing Planet!
  9. Hey there, angling friends! Believe it or not, but every now and then Santa Claus himself enjoys a day out fishing in the company of his magic elves. That’s why he particularly enjoys reading any mail coming from a fellow angler! So how about writing a letter to Santa and his elves to tell them about some of the fishing adventures you had this year? Let them know which places you’ve been, what tricks you’ve learned, and don’t forget to mention what kind of present you’d like to get in the Fishing Planet game for Christmas! We’ll make sure to pass the letter on to Santa and will see to it that the writers of the most creative, interesting and original stories get their rewards! Contest Rules: 1. Write an interesting story about your fishing experience, mentioning what kind of present you’d like to receive in the game and explain why. 2. Send us the letter to olga.k@fishingplanet.com 3. All letters must be written and sent before Dec 24th, of course;) Winners will be announced on Dec 25th and get some presents and perhaps, if they are persuasive enough, even the present they asked for in their letter to Santa;) The more interesting, funny, sincere or original your letter will be, the more chances of touching Santa’s heart and getting what you want! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
  10. All Information for the event can be found on the standings page. This includes: Rules, Championship Standings, Start Time, End Time, etc etc. Standings Page Here // Competition Entry Form Here Please Make Sure If This Is Your First Time, Thinking About Participating, That You View The Full Rules List On The Spreadsheet, Thank You!
  11. Well. I suppose this thread says it all. This forum has gone from lots of active people and friend making to....tumbleweeds. And it doesn't take a genius to see what that coincided with. There are a lot of very skint people out there right now who gave their all to do this ' event '. Double XP doesn't cut it as a sorry. Even now, 2 albinos in a full game night...what's that, 2 real hours? They were the easy ones a few days ago, now, staring at motionless float and vamps all over again. If I can't get 100 of each despite money not being an issue, and having 5 days a week off work, how is your average gamer supposed to? The game is fantastic, such a shame to see it brought down so. This forum was fantastic too. But now, most people are disillusioned and have scattered. And that is not as a result of me posting, it's a result of an impossible event and losing all they have. If you want to blame me for bringing it up and ban me, that's fine. But remember one thing - I didn't code the game. That was all you. And you severely disappointed a large majority of your players. 0.53%. Really? It's a brilliant game and I commend you and thank you for giving it to us. But you've alienated almost everyone. All you have to do is search this forum to find people stating ' I ran out of of money/bait '. Double XP to make up for lost money and baitcoins doesn't cut it. Here I am in Florida, been fishing since 9pm in a known gar spot. Now 11-20pm, not 1 bite. How is that an ' event '? Sorry guys, this one was a major flop and lost you players, and therefore revenue.
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