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Found 5 results

  1. New Map idea: Illinois is a great state to fish with a variety of fish to fish for. The map takes place in illinois at lake michigan (or you can choose) species of fish -Largemouth Bass (4-5 pounds is trophy) Common,Trophy,Unique -Bowfin Common,Trophy,Unique -Lake Trout Common,Trophy -Goldfish Young,Common,Trophy,Unique (also gold fish are invasive there so you have to take them and its a take fish for both licenses) -Lake Sturgeon Common,Trophy,Unique -Yellow Bullhead Common,Trophy,Unique -American Eel Common,Trophy -Pearl dace Common,Trophy -Grass Carp Common,Trophy Unique -Coho Salmon Common,Trophy Boats are allowed. Travel fee: $9500 Required Level : 28 thats all of the stuff i can think but give me more suggestions for this map please!
  2. Lake Marget is located in Minesota. Its unlocked at level 64 Disclaimer* this lake is fictional like Saint croix lake New fishes at this lake: Deepwater scuplin Preferred baits: -red worms -blood worms -shrimps Can be found in: Minesota (common, trophy, uniuqe) Western tubenose goby preferred baits: -nightclawlers -redworms -leeches -shrimps -Blood worms -small minnows Can be found in: Netherlands (common) Minesota (common, trophy, unique) Bloody stickleback preferred baits: -blood worms Can be found in: North carolina (common, trophy) Minesota (common, trophy) Alewife Preferred baits: -shirmps -spawn sack -small minnows Preferred lures: -softbaits Can be found in: Minesota (common, trophy, unique) Slimy sculpin preferred baits: -shrimps -small minnows -spawn sack Can be found in: Minesota (common, trophy, unique) Round whitefish Prefered baits: -small minnows -spawn sack -dragonflies -mayflies Preferred lures: -narrow spoons Can be found in: Minesota (common, trophy, unique) Pygmy whitefish Everything same as Round whitefish Brook stickeback Preferred baits: -spawn sack -blood worms Can be found in: Minesota (common, trophy unique) Silver lamprey Preferred baits: -shiners -small minnows -Large minnows Preferred lures: -shads Can be found in: Minesota (common, trophy, unique) Sea lamprey everything same as silver lamprey Fishes in this but they already in current game: -Largemouth bass (common) -Smallmouth bass (common, trophy) -Yellow perch (common, trophy, unique) -Sauger (common, trophy, uniuqe) -Walleye (common, trophy, unique) -Lake sturgeon (common, trophy, unique) -Freshwater drum (common) -Northern pike (common, trophy unique) -All muskies (common, trophy) -Blue catfish (common) -Brown trout (common, trophy unique) -Brown bullhead (common) -Rock bass (common, trophy unique) -Pumpkinseed (common, trophy) -Brook trout (common, trophy unique) -Atlantic salmon (common, trophy unique) -Tiger trout (common, trophy unique) -White bass (common) -Burbot (common, trophy unique) -Lake trout (common, trophy unique) -Lake whitefish (common, trophy unique) -Splake (common, trophy unique) -White sucker (common, trophy) -Lake chub (common, trophy unique) -Rainbow trout (common, trophy unique) -Longose sucker (common, trophy unique) -Chinook salmon (common, trophy unique) -Pink salmon (common, trophy unique) -Coho salmon (common, trophy unique) -Steelhead (common, trophy unique) -Bowfin (common, trophy unique) -Common carp (common) -Grass carp (common) -Bighead carp (common) -Silver carp (common) -American shad (common, trophy unique) -Yellow bullhead (common,) -Round goby (common, trophy, unique) -Three-spine stickleback (common, trophy, unique) -Nine spine stickleback (common) Misson on this lake: Marget exploration Catch: -Round goby -White bass -White sucker -Longose sucker -Lake chub -Largemouth bass -Smallmouth bass -Freshwater drum -Yellow perch -Pumpkinseed -Yellow bullhead -Brown bullhead -Rock bass -Slimy sculpin -Deepwater sculpin -Western tubenose goby -Bloody stickeback -Brook stickleback -Ninespine stickleback -Three-spine stickeback -Sea lamprey -Silver lamprey Marget Exploration II Catch: -Bowfin -Common carp -Grass carp -Bighead carp -Silver carp -Blue catfish Marget salmon Catch: -Coho salmon -Chinook salmon -Pink salmon -Atlantic salmon Marget trout Catch: -Stellhead -Rainbow trout -Tiger trout -Brown trout Marget trial Catch: -Sauger -Walleye -American shad -Alewife -All muskies -Common pike Marget deeps Catch: -Burbot -Lake trout -Brook trout -Lake sturgeon -Splake -All whitefish Locations on margets lake Green bay: If you looking for pikes, catfishes, bowfins, largemouth bass and carps in margets? Green bay is best choice for you. Salmon heaven: In this part of lake, salmons are most active due to small river mouth. Expect salmon there also live stellheads, brown trouts and even rainbow trouts are Sandy beach Tired of work? You can there fish for freshwater drum,white bass, smallmouth bass and gobies Open waters On the short pier you can rent boat and go for margets deeps, in deeps you can catch Majestatic sturgeons, lake trouts burbots and whitefishes but small sculpins also live in the deeps. In waters close to pier you can catch american shads, yellow perches, walleyes, saugers and lampreys
  3. What I would like to see is the Tennessee river. A huge river where you can catch many fish, Including the overgrown channel catfish. You can also catch certain panfish, drum, carp, largemouth bass, gar, and bullhead catfish. Occasionally a barge will pass through going to the facility on the other side, and you can fish on a lane, which includes a dock, and a rock outing. Behind you is a small area with a bench. If you look on Google Earth, the area is near new Johnsonville, and it's called camden landing. Please consider this. It's a great place.
  4. Bartek27

    Lake Winnipeg

    Lake winnipeg large lake in Canada province Manitoba New baits: -Caddisfly larva -mayfly larva New fishes: Arctic Grayling Preferred baits: -caddisfly larva -mayfly larva -small minnows -mayfly -spawn sack -natural roe Preferred lures: -narrow spoon Can be found: -Alaska (common, trophy, unique) -Manitoba (common, trophy, unique) Cisco preferred baits: -mayfly -natural roe -spawn sack -small minnows -mayfly larva -caddisfly larva Preferred lures -narrow spoon -shads -grubs Can be found in: -Manitoba (common, trophy, unique) Goldeye preferred baits: -shiners -small minnows -shrimps -frog -mayfly Preferred lures: -narrow spoon -grubs -shads Can be found in: -Manitoba (common, trophy) Mooneye preferred baits: -shrimps -small minnows -spawn sack -shiners Preferred lures: -grubs -shads -narrow spoon Can be found in: -Manitoba (common) Arctic char preferred baits: -small minnows -shiners -large minnows -shrimps -natural roe -spawn sack Preferred lures: -narrow spoon -grubs -shads -crankbait -popper -walker Can be found in: -Alberta (common) -Alaska (common, trophy) -Manitoba (common, trophy, unique) Fishes in this lake but they already in actual game -Black crappie (common) -Brook trout (common, trophy, unique) -Brown bullhead (common) -Brown trout (common, trophy, unique) -Burbot (common, trophy, unique) -Channel catfish (common) -Common Carp (common) -Freshwater drum (common) -Lake sturgeon (common, trophy, unique) -Lake trout (common, trophy, unique) -Lake whitefish (common, trophy, unique) -Largemouth bass (common) -Muskellunge (common, trophy, unique) -Northen pike (common, trophy, unique) -Rainbow trout (common) -Rock bass (common) -Sauger (common, trophy, unique) -Smallmouth bass (common) -Splake (common, trophy, unique) -White sucker (common, trophy) -Bluegill (common) -Tiger trout (common, trophy, uniuqe) -Walleye (common, trophy, unique) -White bass (common) -Yellow perch (common, trophy, unique) At lake Winnipeg player can rent boat or use his boat
  5. Lake Marion is biggest lake of South Carolina can be unlocked at level 60 New bait: -sunfish livebait - new heaviest bait in game New fishes: Longear sunfish Preferred baits: -bread -nightclawlers -pinkies -red worms Preferred lures: -popper -slug Can be found in: -Missouri (common) -South Carolina (common, trophy) Threadfin shad Preferred baits: -red worms -pinkies -bloodworms -nightclawers Can be found in: -South Carolina (common, trophy) Shortnose gar Preferred baits: -small minnows -small cubait -shiners -medium cubait -crayfish -shrimps -large cubait -large minnows Preferred lures: -crankbaits -poppers -shads Can be found in: -North Carolina (common, trophy) -South Carolina (common, trophy, unique) Guadalupe Bass Preferred baits: -small minnows Preferred lures: -shads -crankbait -casting spoon -popper Can be found in: -Texas (common, trophy) South Carolina (common) Yellow bass Preferred baits: -nightclawlers -small minnows Preferred lures: -casting spoon Can be found in: -Lousiana (common, trophy) -South Carolina (common) Red shiner Preferred baits: -bread -red worms -blood worms Can be found in: -South Carolina (common, trophy, unique) Black buffalo Preferred baits: -red worms -nigtclawlers -bloodworms -honey bread -dough balls Can be found in: -South Carolina (common, trophy, unique) -Lousiana (common) American Eel preferred baits: -shrimps -small cubait -medium cubait -shiners -small minnows -frog -crayfish -nightclawlers -cheese Preferred lures: -shads Can be found in: -South Carolina (common, trophy, unique) Texas shiner Preferred baits: -dough balls -honey bread -red worms -blood worms Can be found in: -Texas (common) -South Carolina (common) Yellow bullhead preferred baits: -small cubait -small minnows -chesse -petfood Can be found in: -South Carolina (common, trophy) Rio Grande cichlid preferred baits: -blood worms -red worms -nightclawlers Can be found in: -Texas (common, trophy) -South Carolina (common) Fish in this lake but already exsits in actual game: -Bluntnose minnow (common, trophy, unique) -Smallmouth bass (common, trophy, unique) -Largemouth bass (common, trophy, uniuqe) -Spotted bass (common, trophy) -White bass (common, trophy, unique) -Stripted bass (common, trophy, unique) -Channel catfish (common, trophy) -Blue catfish (common, trophy, unique) -Flathead catfish (common, trophy, unique) -Black bullhead (common, trophy, unique) -Rainbow trout (common, trophy, unique) -White crappie (common, trophy, unique) -Black crappie (common, trophy, unique) -Bluegill (common, trophy) -Green sunfish (common) -Redbreast sunfish (common, trophy, unique) -Warmouth (common) -Redear sunfish (common, trophy, unique) -Walleye (common, trophy, unique) -Freshwater drum (common, trophy, unique) -Red drum (common) -Common carp (common, trophy, unique) -Grass carp (common, trophy, unique) -Blacktail shiner (common) -Golden shiner (common) -American gizzard shad (common, trophy) -Chain pickerel (common, trophy, unique) -Alligator gar (common, trophy, unique) -Longose gar (common, trophy, unique) -Smallmouth buffalo (common, trophy) -Bigmouth buffalo (common, trophy) -Bowfin (common, trophy, unique) -Paddlefish (common) -Spotted gar (common, trophy, unique) (If added to fishing planet)
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