New Map idea: Illinois is a great state to fish with a variety of fish to fish for. The map takes place in illinois at lake michigan (or you can choose)
species of fish
-Largemouth Bass (4-5 pounds is trophy) Common,Trophy,Unique
-Bowfin Common,Trophy,Unique
-Lake Trout Common,Trophy
-Goldfish Young,Common,Trophy,Unique (also gold fish are invasive there so you have to take them and its a take fish for both licenses)
-Lake Sturgeon Common,Trophy,Unique
-Yellow Bullhead Common,Trophy,Unique
-American Eel Common,Trophy
-Pearl dace Common,Trophy
-Grass Carp Common,Trophy Unique
-Coho Salmon Common,Trophy
Boats are allowed. Travel fee: $9500
Required Level : 28
thats all of the stuff i can think but give me more suggestions for this map please!