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hi, I have a problem with the chat. The club chat often only shows the messages after the game has restarted. New messages will not be displayed either. you only see when a member comes online or goes offline. To see the new massages you have to restart the game. Game Version PC / Steam Best regards
Greetings on behalf of Fishing Planet, can you add settings to buy bait in bulk without buying one by one in the store, I hope you can reply to my message.Thank you
Enter Here >>>>>>>>>>>>> ALL ARE WELCOME TO JOIN Competition Specific Information 1.) LOCATION: Alaska,Kaniq River 2.) Start Time: 1/29/2021 12:00 PM EDT TO 2/5/2021 11:00 AM EDT 3.) Lures/Baits: Spinning and Casting ONLY, .No fishing in private lobbies. Rod Stands are not allowed for this one 4.) Fishing Hours: Any 5.) SPECIES: Bull Trout,Chum,Pink Salmon Log fish under Bull Trout=Brown trout /Chum=Lake Trout/Pink Salmon=Cutthroat 6.) SCORING IS AVERAGED Your Score Is Your Total Fish Weight Divided By 3 Prize List: 1st Place: 100 BC 2nd Place: 70 BC 3rd Place: 50 BC Prize Pool:is now Baitcoins General Rules / Guidelines 1.) All Fish Will Need A Steam Screenshot 2a.) You Need To Screenshot While Holding The Fish, With the FULL GUI (Chat/Lure Visible) With the weight displaying in pounds only. Also only enter the weight for example 10.123 (DO NOT ADD lb or lbs). 2b.) You Will Need To Hit Your Tab Key And Type In A Specific Code Into Your Chat Bar When Your Fish Is Caught, You Don't Have To Send It To Chat, But It Needs To Be There. 2c.) Code For Chatbar Is: Can be found on comp page in rules box when it starts if you are not able to pull chat up to put code dont worry we will check time and dates on pics 3.) All Weights Will Be Submitted In Pounds (Imperial setting in-game) 4.) You can edit your entries after your first submission, as you catch bigger fish you can cull out a smaller one. 5.) Obvious Invalid Entries & Trolls Will Be Disqualified. 6.) In The Case Of Ties, Whoever Has The Oldest Submission/Revision Wins. 7.) Fish Must Be Submitted Within 1 Hour Of Being Caught, Or It Will Not Count. This form will close immediately at the end of the Event. 8.) Fish Caught In In Game Comps DO NOT Count. 9.) Steam Screenshots Must Be Set To Public and the links MUST end in /?id=xxxxxxxxxxxx AT THE END OF THE EVENT ENTRIES WITH INCORRECT SCREEN SHOT LINKS WILL BE DISQUALIFIED!
I have question can i play with my friend if i play on PS4 and he plays on PC.
Custom competition one of the best thing they made! Am just wondering why they didn't release it?
Hello! If you would like to join us in our first fishing event (all day) just RSPV down below! Hope to see everyone there.
I wrote this in a reply, but i think is better in a new topic. I would propose the option, for spinning and casting, to lock the camera and move the rod freely. For example, with “L1” (PS4) you can zoom the camera to see the tip, now, for spinning and casting is not useful, Dev could change the tip zoom, with the camera lock.
I have question can i play with my friend if i play on PS4 and he plays on PC.
It’s a little late to talk about E3 2018 as it’s already happened in May. I also think the FP dev team weren’t fully prepared this year as they are releasing a global fishing update according to their developer daily. Yet, the actual release date isn’t fully confirmed. Hopefully around Thanksgiving. Let’s talk about E3 2019 or some similar global tournaments. Hopefully something will start happening in 2019? One big topic is if they are heading toward this direction which I’m supporting in general, they need to figure out which is the presentation platform. What I mean is if they are releasing Xbox version. That will put PS4 players in pressure and their crowds won’t happy about their decision. FP will probably lose those players. If lucky those players might switch platform to supporting FP for the live stage tournament. Yet, it creates another problem which is their player account. Lots of video games/esports games/simulator games including FP require player experience in order to upgrade their gears, in game cash, and XP, etc. It won’t be easy for those players who are following their decision to change platform even those they are the top players. If FP follows the crowds, which will put the other platform’s players in bad mood. It depends on how many platforms they will release in the future. If they are only joining E3 or if they are joining a multiply Esports tournaments or invitations for different platforms, or even though have their own live stage tournaments in the future, they will need to make a decision earlier and announce the news earlier for their FP supporters to have enough time to prepare before those big globally Esports tournament happens. On the other hand E3 is pretty much a PS4 dominated global event. All the AAA games are having their supporters there. In order to get into E3 isn’t easy as well. I believe if they have enough crowds which they just need to have some adjustments and will be able to join E3. This shouldn’t be a problem for the FP Dev team. Of course, they possibly need to communicate with Sony as well and see if they will fully support them in the Esports category. As Esports is a very new trends nowadays, people also need sometimes to adjusting this new trendy. It doesn’t matter if it is esports or sports, they need to have enough supporters to make things happen. For me, Fishing Planet is very unique which combines technology, simulate of a real sports in a nice and clean created global environment. Plus, their add-ons and special in-game events and competitions create a upper level of video gaming experience for players to enjoy and explore. It will be difficult and very expensive for people to travel to all these different countries to explore and fish in real life. Only FP can create this experience for players. Also, they always make improvements and listening to their supporters and give enough feedbacks and supports. I hope FP will last for a long time. It definitely wins my heart whatever which direction(s) they are heading. I will think let them focus on what they have in hand first. I believe they have something in mind and working toward that direction. I as a supporter will always enjoy and continue to give suggestions to FP and make it the greatest and the best fishing game.
I want resign from PC (steam) Qualifier #3 and if possible please give chance to player who finished 21th. Nickname: SabiScsYouTube
Hello, dear angling community! We announce "Double XP Weekend" for this weekend - November 3-5! Do not miss the chance to get double XP points for all your activity. Prepare for the Double XP Weekend - your ultimate opportunity to go up a few Levels faster than ever! Have fun fishing and tight lines to all of you!
Hello. I cannot find any guide for the game for PS4. I find only for PC, and a wiki site who is not get update for years. So my question is, do the game for PC and the game for PS4 are the same, and the tutorial for PC apply for PS4?