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Привет, ребятки! Только неделю назад мы с вами ловили атлантического лосоя на озере Вайт Мус в провинции Альберта, Канада и вот, снова возвращаемся в эти гостеприимные места! На этот раз будем тренироваться. Через несколько дней стартует знаменитый предновогодний турнир Christmas Giant's Tour по вылову гигантских рыб в разных североамериканских водоёмах и первая отборочная квалификация этого турнира будет проходить как раз на озере Вайт Мус. В соревновании воспроизведены основные условия квалификации и погодные условия. Лодки, каяки, куканы, подставки для удилищ запрещены. Ловить можно на любую снасть. В зачёте - озёрная форель, атлантический лосось, щука, налим, сплейк. Потренируемся? Каждый участник победившей команды как всегда получит 10 бейткоинов и долю бюджета соревнования в кредитах. Дополнителные призы: победители команд и игрок, поймавший самую крупную рыбу, получат замечательный рождественский набор Krampus Catcher Pack. Кроме того, сегодня состоится розыгрыш на YouTube набора Golden Pack среди комментаторов-подписчиков. Oставляйте комментарии в стиле "хочу набор" к предыдущему видео и сегодня мы разыграем набор при помощи рэндомайзера. Не забудьте удостовериться, что каналы, на которые вы подписаны, могут увидеть все желающие, иначе у вас есть возможность остаться без приза! Начало соревнования 18.12.2020 в 19:15 Киев, 20:15 МСК, 17:15 UTC. За началом прямой трансляции следите на Twitch и YouTube, канал FPdimsam. Ссылка на трансляцию:
Привет ребятки! Турнир всё ближе! Через 3 дней стартует Grand Smallie's Cup - важнейший турнир конца года по ловле Малоротого Басса на североамериканских водоёмах. Анонсы, условия, награды можно будет узнать в игре и на специальных ресурсах - на форуме, странице FPdimsam в фейсбук, страничке Fishing Planet в вк и т. д. Мы продолжаем готовиться к первой квалификации на озере Фэлкон, штат Орегон. Напомню, что по условиям турнира нельзя использовать лодки, каяки и подставки для удилищ, а также куканы. Кроме того, ловить зачётную рыбу можно только на спиннинговую или кастинговую снасть. Не забывайте об этом! Каждый участник победившей команды как всегда получит 10 бейткоинов и долю бюджета соревнования в кредитах. Дополнителные призы: победители команд и игрок, поймавший самую крупную рыбу, получат замечательный турнирный набор Grand Smallie's Pack как раз в преддверии турнира! Кроме того, сегодня проведём розыгрыш на YouTube набора Deluxe Pack среди комментаторов-подписчиков. Оставляйте комментарии в стиле "хочу набор" к предыдущему видео и сегодня после соревнования мы разыграем набор при помощи рэндомайзера. Не забудьте удостовериться, что каналы, на которые вы подписаны, могут увидеть все желающие, иначе у вас есть возможность остаться без приза! Начало соревнования 20.11.2020 в 19:15 Киев, 20:15 МСК, 17:15 UTC. За началом прямой трансляции следите на Twitch и YouTube, канал FPdimsam. Играйте, выигрывайте и да пребудет с вами Сила! Ссылка на трансляцию:
- озеро фэлкон
- малоротый басс
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Привет братья и сёстры! Турнир грядёт! Через 5 дней стартует Grand Smallie's Cup - важнейший турнир конца года по ловле Малоротого Басса на североамериканских водоёмах. Анонсы, условия, награды можно будет узнать в игре и на специальных ресурсах - на форуме, странице FPdimsam в фейсбук, страничке Fishing Planet в вк и т. д. Наша задача - подготовиться к квалификации в дельте реки Сан-Хоакин в Калифорнии, чем мы сегодня и займёмся. Напомню, что по условиям турнира нельзя использовать лодки, каяки и подставки для удилищ, а также куканы. Кроме того, ловить зачётную рыбу можно только на спиннинговую или кастинговую снасть. Не забывайте об этом! Каждый участник победившей команды как всегда получит 10 бейткоинов и долю бюджета соревнования в кредитах. Дополнителные призы: победители команд и игрок, поймавший самую крупную рыбу, получат замечательный турнирный набор Grand Smallie's Pack как раз в преддверии турнира! Не забудьте удостовериться, что каналы, на которые вы подписаны, могут увидеть все желающие, иначе у вас есть возможность остаться без приза! Кроме того, начинаем розыгрыш на YouTube набора Deluxe Pack среди комментаторов-подписчиков. оставляйте комментарии в стиле "хочу набор" к этому видео и в пятницу мы разыграем набор при помощи рэндомайзера. Начало соревнования 18.11.2020 в 19:15 Киев, 20:15 МСК, 17:15 UTC. За началом прямой трансляции следите на Twitch и YouTube, канал FPdimsam. Играйте, выигрывайте и да пребудет с вами Сила! Ссылочка на трансляцию:
- дельта сан-хоакин
- малоротый басс
- (and 7 more)
does the gar tournament announcement mean that there will be no halloween event this year?
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Largemouth Bass Cup will be held April 16th through April 21st
The most sizable Tournament of the year - the Christmas Giant's tour! 17th of December - Registration for the Tournament begins. 18th of December - Qualifier 1 on White Moose Lake ALBERTA 19th of December - Qualifier 2 on Saint-Croix Lake MICHIGAN 20th of December - Qualifier 3 on Everglades FLORIDA 22nd of December - Semifinal on Kaniq Creek ALASKA 23rd of December - the Grand Finale on San Joaquin Delta CALIFORNIA
Gars&Glory Cup will be held October 25th through October 29th 24th of October - Registration for the Tournament begins. 25th of October - Qualifier 1 on Everglades FLORIDA 26th of October - Qualifier 2 on Neherrin River NORTH CAROLINA 28th of October - Semifinal Round on Lake Quanchkin LOUISIANA 29st of October - Grand Finale on Quanchkin Lake
Mighty Carp Tour, I can't wait:) Are you ready for some Carp fishing?! These all-time EU favorite fish, but they sure are quite a challenge to catch being the hardest freshwater fish to fool into biting! Registration: 11/09/2018 Entry Fee $20,000 Qualifier#1: 12/09/2018 Neherrin Rier, North Caroline Qualifier#2: 13/09/2018 Quanchkin lake, Luisiana Semifinal 15/09/2018 & Final 16/09/2018 in San Joaquin Delta, California Stay tuned I will share few spots, tips, and tricks:)
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Hi, Anglers I invite you to my YouTube Channel I will do Huge Giveaway during the Anniversary Event August 7, 2018 - August 13, 2018, What you need to do - Give the video a LIKE and leave a COMMENT with your Fishing Planet Story, Three comments with the biggest number of likes will win Premium and I will choose one comment which also win DLC Anniversary pack. 1st Place - 360 days of premium 2nd Place -180 days of premium 3rd Place - 30 days of premium My choice - DLC Anniversary Pack Attention! You can leave only Comments to bellow Anniversary video! THIS CONTEST IS OPEN TO INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTS. Contest starts August 7, 2018 ends on August 13, 2018,
some players just sitting in tournament lobby
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Qualifie#2,North Caroline,Neherin River Qualifying Fish Trophy LargemouthBass not in the list!!! this is glitch or???
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This April hone your fishing skills and get your bragging rights certified by taking part in our Largemouth Bass April Cup! Register in this thrilling Tournament and prove yourself to be the very best at catching the most popular and sought after game fish in North America! Yep, these aggressive monsters are definitely among the biggest in the sport and getting an official title of Largemouth Bass Fishing Champion is glorious indeed, my friend! Largemouth Bass April Cup promises to be a magnificent fishing battle encompassing 2 thrilling Qualifiers that’ll enable 60 best anglers to further compete in the Tournament’s Semifinal Round and get entitled among the 20 best to honorably fight in the triumphant Grand Finale for the Largemouth Bass Championship title! Largemouth Bass April Cup will be held April 11th through April 15th, with the Registration starting on April 10th, 24 hours prior to the First Qualifier. The Tournament’s timetable is as follows: 11th of April - Qualifier 1 on Mudwater River in Missouri. 12th of April - Qualifier 2 on Neherrin River in the fine state of North Carolina. 14th of April - Semifinal Round on the swampy Quanchkin Lake in Louisiana. 15th of April - Grand Finale on Florida’s Everglades. Only for the duration of the tournament you can get special tour pack Largemouth Bass April Pack! Steam American PSN Store European PSN Store
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Hey guys! Spring Cats Tour welcomes you at this spring’s first and most exciting competitive sportfishing event! Catch all kinds and forms of Catfish and Bullhead as you travel to the most mesmerizing fishing destinations of North America: from Missouri’s Mudwater River, to the banks of Neherrin in North Carolina, then the open space of Michigan’s Saint-Croix Lake as well as the swampy wetlands of Quanchkin Lake in the pelican state of Louisiana. Fight your way through the Qualifiers and the Semifinal Round to make it to the Grand Finale and win the title of Catfishing Champion! Fame, Glory and a prize pool that includes plenty of Credits, BaitCoins and unique fishing tackle and equipment! Spring Cats Tour will be held March 13th through March 18th, with the Registration starting on March 12th, 24 hours prior to the First Qualifier. The Tournament’s timetable is as follows: 13th of March - Qualifier 1 on Mudwater River in Missouri. 14th of March - Qualifier 2 on Neherrin River in the fine state of North Carolina. 15th of March - Qualifier 3 on Michigan, Saint-Croix Lake. 17th of March - Semifinal Round on the swampy Quanchkin Lake in Louisiana. 18th of March - the Grand Finale on Quanchkin Lake in Louisiana. Make sure to grab every catfish angler’s must have - the Spring Cats Pack, with all the tackle and exclusive equipmentyou need to enhance your catfishing skills for the ultimate win! Steam American PSN Store European PSN Store
Hello to all our beloved anglers! Valentine's Day is coming and to make this holiday less about cheesy romantic nonsense and more about what you truly love, we’re hosting the annual Crappie Valentine Cup fishing tournament! This sportfishing event is meant to get everyone in the holiday mood this February 14th! Don’t hesitate to register and compete in a fun and challenging environment against the very best, as you test your skills in catching Black and White Crappie in a heated race taking you through five different states, from the picturesque banks of Missouri’s Mudwater River, to Louisiana’s swampy Quanchkin Lake! Fame, Glory and a prize pool that includes plenty of Credits, BaitCoins,unique fishing tackle and equipment and most importantly - the title of Crappie Valentine Champion await! Crappie Valentine Cup will be held February 13th through February 18th, with the Registration starting on February 12th, 24 hours prior to the First Qualifier. The Tournament’s timetable is as follows: 13th of February - Qualifier 1 on Mudwater River in Missouri. 14th of February - Qualifier 2 on the beautiful Lake Rocky in the state of Colorado. 15th of February - Qualifier 3 on California’s San Joaquin Delta. 17th of February - Semifinal Round on the swampy Quanchkin Lake in Louisiana. 18th of February - the Grand Finale on Neherrin River in the fine state of North Carolina. Only for the duration of the tournament you can get special tour pack Crappie Valentine Pack! Steam American PSN Store European PSN Store
Hey guys! The month of January brings you a tournament that’ll make it feel like Christmas all over again! Just make sure to register in time and take part in the annual Winter Pike Tour - a competitive sportfishing event that’s all about landing some big fat Pike! Accept the challenge and set out to explore the specifics of Pike fishing in many amazing destinations, like the mesmerizingly remote and delightfully swampy Quanchkin Lake in the Pelican State of Louisiana, peaceful Mudwater River and breathtaking Lakes White Moose and Emerald as you heroically battle through the 3 Qualifiers, the Semifinal and move on to the Grand Finale on Michigan’s vast Lake Saint-Croix - all to prove yourself as the one and only Pike Fishing Champion, win valuable Prizes and most importantly have fun! Winter Pike Tour promises to be a thrilling competitive battle full of drive, fun and fishing excitement! It will be held on will be held January 16th through 21st, with the Registration starting on January 15th, 24 hours prior to the First Qualifier. The full Tournament’s timetable is as follows: 15th of January - Registration for the WPT Tournament begins. 16th of January - Qualifier 1 on Louisiana’s Quanchkin Lake. 17th of January - Qualifier 2 on Mudwater River in Missouri 18th of January - Qualifier 3 on the snowy White Moose Lake in Alberta, Canada. 20th of January - Semifinal Round on the mesmerizing Emerald Lake in New York. 21th of January - the Grand Finale on Lake Saint-Croix in Michigan. Only for the duration of the tournament you can get special tour pack Winter Pike Pack! Steam American PSN Store European PSN Store
Excitement is heating up and growing as one more Qualifying Round of Christmas Giant’s Tour is now over. It was the 2nd attempt for our daring heavyweight anglers to show their best monster catching performance by getting one of the twenty top results and going through to the tournament’s Semifinal Round! Below you’ll find a list of those who splendidly coped with this challenging task! These anglers will head straight on to the Semifinal - held on the peaceful banks of Kaniq Creek in Alaska on December 23th! In the meantime, everyone else can still have one final go at joining them and try their luck in the 3rd and final Qualifier on December 21st! 1 b-a-x-t-a 2 JohnyExelero 3 Bastifun 4 bubbaj3185 5 Ibkis948 6 solidluca 7 MrMikeTheKnife 8 Civi_bra_43 9 thebestjoao 10 sabiscs 11 elnalgas69 12 kalonjismoke 13 Tiziano57600 14 oviwonk_returns 15 Le_Commodore_ 16 Brixel88 17 Wsci3klyW1lku 18 yakut919 19 guizmo2286 20 ZdeHs
Hello dear anglers friend. Michigan it's next... The post is open to share knowledge and experience for inexperienced fishermens or to share opinions and info about the qualifiers #2 Here's mine: Im just level 28 and it's a great opportunity to fish at Michigan for the first time. Reading and looking for info i noticed the Blue Catfish its the must in the finding of a biggest fish and looks like a good float setup is recommended, so I will be testing some big and fresh live baits. What do you think guys... The post it's open for everything about the qualifiers #2. Cheers!
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Merry Christmas, dear anglers! Participating in the Christmas Giant’s Tour is like unwrapping a huge Christmas present...and with the 1st Qualifying Round over, one could say we untied the bow! Now on to the more serious part: we’re thrilled to announce the results of the tournament’s 1st Qualifier and the 1st out of 3 chances to get through to the Semifinal by making it to the Top-20 most skilled large-caliber anglers! Below you’ll find the list of those who’ll head to Alaska on December 23rd and compete among the 60 best anglers in the Semifinal on the peaceful banks of Kaniq Creek. If you don’t see your name - no worries! There’s still two more chances in the 2nd and 3rd Qualifiers - your present will simply take longer to unwrap 1 bennie19772 2 Badkov 3 KFKeishin 4 T-DoG_55- 5 Shrimpor 6 FFM--89 7 callobo1964 8 Fernando_Rochka 9 djboste 10 o0EnsEignE0o 11 NanoGlad 12 joeymindy 13 piotrek651 14 RotaComando1986 15 stcroixx09 16 HaPpYAsSaSsIn916 17 PACMAN-KILLER-01 18 Sipek1980 19 Full-Medal-Ch0ps 20 Rundigus
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For some reason, I cannot enter ANY tournament, they are all “grayed out”, and not available,. Why?