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Fish keeps getting off hook....


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You know the feeling of fighting long with a fish and then when you see it's getting close to the 3m mark POOF it's off. I'm seriously out of options on what to do with it. If it was maybe 1 fish that gets off every couple of hours, I would be ok with it, but with 13 fishes (IN A ROW!!!!!) falling of just before the bank, i'm done with it. I spend a lot of money on baitcoins and other stuff, so please fix it. I love this game, but right now i've stopped playing until it is fixed. Right now it's a waste of time, a waste of money and so not relaxing like fishing is supposed to be. The last topic i saw about this was around December 2018, so I REALLY hope that maybe i'm doing something wrong and that the developers are not neglecting fishing planet.


I'm playing on the Xbox One btw.

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You aren’t doing anything wrong. It is a problem on the Xbox platform, and one I hope they fix soon.  I have lost multiple fish in a row at the 3 meter mark, and it is frustrating. There are times I can predict that I am going to lose the fish, simply based on how it is getting reeled in.  Regardless of how I move the rod, reel speed or pull the left trigger, the fish knows it is going to be unhooked.

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It's not only a Xbox bug. I've had this happen on PS4 a while back at Emerald Lake. I lost about 3 fish while on the canoe. I then went back to shore and tried again, and it happened again there as well. The only thing that helped was quitting the game entirely and restarting it.

Yesterday I had a similar problem at White Moose Lake. It was a casting problem this time. I cast the rod, everything looks normal until you release the trigger button. Then suddenly my jig landed behind me on the dock. I then couldn't move, switch rods, reel in or go to the menu while "the rod is cast". I then also had to force close the game completely. This happened twice yesterday. The second time was a little different. Whatever I did, every time I cast the rod, it just came back saying "Unsuccessful because you hit the ground" or something. Which is completely impossible as my rod wouldn't be able to cast that far to the other side. So I restarted the game again to get back to normal. These kind of bugs are highly annoying, especially with the long loading times after restarting.

Edited by gunnies799
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Hey! I am currently experiencing this issue at the moment on xbox one as well. Fishing in the Everglades for tarpon and after fighting for almost 20 mins within 15-20 feet the fish falls the hook! This happened to me 5 or 6 times. I didn’t know if this was a bug or something wrong with my setup. I cant seem to find a fix/solution. 

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1 hour ago, VMalatesta94 said:

Hey! I am currently experiencing this issue at the moment on xbox one as well. Fishing in the Everglades for tarpon and after fighting for almost 20 mins within 15-20 feet the fish falls the hook! This happened to me 5 or 6 times. I didn’t know if this was a bug or something wrong with my setup. I cant seem to find a fix/solution. 

Doesn't restarting the XBox help? That always fixes these types of bugs for me.

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Ive had this more frequently lately. You have to get as close to the water as possible to stop it hitting something as you lift up.


Also another one with unrealistic fight times. I fought a 6lb pike on a 17lb setup and the fish took 45 minutes to land. It went all the way from 50 ft to 400ft ! It would normally take 2 minutes to land and have landed much bigger pike in much shorter time. My friend has had the same issue with unrealistic fight times on a different lake with different fish.

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I have annoying glitches every day lately. Yesterday I was unable to put down my stand or swap my rods using the L1 Button. A few days back I was using the R1 button to change bait, when all of a sudden the screen froze in that state (darkened, showing all the baits in the top right corner) even after releasing the button. I then had a fish bite and managed to get it out. Going to the Menu and back didn't help either. I have a suspicion that these start happening when reloading the game after the PS has gone into automatic sleep mode. All of these bugs are always fixed when restarting the PS, annoying as it is.

Edited by gunnies799
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