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How to equip my rod?


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I can’t equip my rod like it says I have a rod the mini spin 800 but when I try to equip it it says I have to euqip the rod first and I don’t know how to do it. I think I’ve had this game for over half a year just never known how to use or equip a rod so plz help.

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You go to the inventory in your Home Base.

Then you look where the rod is, there are 2 options for this.

Either in your backpack or at home, you can switch between these two locations with the right rocker button on your controller.

Then select the rod you want and press button A.

You do the same with the reel, line, leader, lead (bottom fishing), bopper (floating), hooks and bait. But be careful.

Always put your equipment together so that the rod is the strongest link in the chain, then the reel a little weaker and the line a little weaker.

So you don't lose everything if a fish that is too strong bites. ;)

After your fishing trip, go to the inventory of your equipment in the Home Base and press the X button to bring your rod and reel home.

There you select the two one after the other and press the Y key, then the costs for the repair appear, which you then have to confirm.

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  • 3 months later...

I have just started playing fishing planet on ps5, I bought a new rod and have equipped it on my home page and everything.. over and over and over... ..no rod appears anywhere , but says its equipped.  Now I'm hooked on this fkn game and can't even fish. Wtf........any help here? Or is this a permanent bug or something??? Please help!

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