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Chapter 1 "FORMA MENTIS" and White Moose

Let's talk about two much loved spinning competition to explain what I mean by "FORMA MENTIS": Triple Trout and Big Red Fish.
Identify the spots that can give us the desired prey, identify the baits that give the best results and in what times.
Be ready to quickly understand when you are wasting time and change the necessary.
The competitions examined have the same duration, 45 minutes, but two completely different approaches.
These two ways of dealing with them will recur for many others. I mean as a mental disposition.

Triple trout:
we divide the competition into three halves of 15 minutes each.
1st spot - 1st quarter
Here we must take, within the first quarter,
1 unique lake trout (pt.10)
2 lake trout trophies (pt.10)
1 unique splake (pt.12)
1 trophy splake (pt.6)
not necessarily:
1 single brook (pt.8)
1 tropical brook (pt.4)
A number of common, at least 4 (pt.8)
for a total of about 45-58 points in the first quarter.
When we are trained to achieve this result in the first half we move on to the second.
2nd and 3rd spot 2nd quarter time
If we didn't get the only one from the brook in the first quarter we have to get it here.
2 trophy lake (pt.10)
2 trophy splake (pt.12)
a number of common of all species (pt.10)
1st Spot - 3rd quarter
now let's go back to the first spot where they should regenerate:
2 trophy splake (pt.12)
2 trophy lake (pt.10)
1 brook trophy (pt.4)
a number of common of all species. (pt.10)
The total of points with this round is ideally 126, you win even with less.
If you have grasped the concept of time and generation, just train.
So we shot three spot at regular intervals, not going back and forth like the fools.
We have identified which fish we need to obtain and at what times. We have a "round".
The "round" is something that we must remember for almost all competition.
The unique of the lake trout can be taken in the first launches, so I suggest you give it a try right away
with the roach spoon or the like. With the sun she will eat immediately under the surface of the water or in the fall,
if it doesn't happen, don't despair and stop and go to the bottom. However, if we didn't catch it on the third launch
change lure and switch to the narrow spoon 21g. # 3/0 better yet x-series narrow barbless spoon 14g. # 3/0.
36g # 4/0 x series bullet spinner is also fine. Experiment and find the one that satisfies you the most.
Stop and go on the bottom is certainly the technique that gives the best results.
As the lure descends, move it slightly to keep the line under tension.

Here too we have the famous round. The tour gives us the times, going randomly from one spot to another leads to nothing.
In this competition we have the case in which what really matters is the lure and the technique, taking for granted the mindset of the round.
I repeat myself but it is important that I try to make myself understood.
We divide the lake into 5 sectors, in the center of which we will have markers for the trophy.

The bait to be used is only one (more unique than rare case) and it is this:

The technique is more difficult, if only for the patience it requires. Stop and go to the surface of the water.
your cranck must never, and I mean never, sink
It should launch around 50 meters stop and go up to 28 meters and then recover quickly.
Optimizing times with catches, it is useless to waste time under 25 meters,
except in sector 4 and 5 where you should launch around 38 meters and recover up to 15 mt.

We start from the first portion on the left, even if we take the trophy we continue we start until the fish come out.
At the first empty launch, change part of the lake passing through the center of the wooden quay, then all the way to the right of the quay.
Let us remember that he will not give us more than 4 trophies in the whole competition if we are lucky. 3 we expect them.
The first 3 portions we take from "Fisherman's Hut", the other 2 spawns "Damn Road".

If you follow these tips they will surely be in the first positions, just see the same names all the time.
In chapter 2 we will go to Marron River for other techniques but with the same mentality,
If you have favorite competitions that you want to give priority to leave a comment below.
For any doubts leave a comment below.
For those who hate me: fuck you.

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13 hours ago, Sandropen said:

Grande!! Ora saranno tutti allo stesso livello!! Ottimo lavoro amico mio!! Io ti darò supporto con i video sù YouTube!!!😃

Sandropen traduction: Great!! Now they will all be on the same level !! Great job my friend !! I will support you with the videos on YouTube !!!

Hello my friend, yes we do the videos, it will be easier to explain.

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Hello I'm the


  I really like your initiative.
I believe that if we all know how to catch fish and know the right places, it will make everyone more fun.
We are often unmotivated for not catching the fish, thinking that it is the game that does not want to give us the fish, but rather due to lack of knowledge of the places and techniques.
I liked the explanation and I will test it.

I support your idea

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