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Connection issues on all platforms


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I think I speak for a lot of people when I say that the performance of the game has declined significantly. The "Spinner of death" is happening really often + the top left shows that there are connection issues.
These happen at the same time for me, people on discord and streamers on twitch => Not my connection is an issue.

This currently affects Windows/Xbox, Steam and the Android game for me. I have not tested PS4 or iOS, maybe someone can let me know.

It results in fish being on the hook, red bars for up to 3 seconds and then the fish is gone. => Think it simply fails to confirm the fish with the server and times out
It also results in the time counting down while you wait for the spinner, when you hold a fish in the air.
It can also happen that for a certain amount of time there is no more fish activity at all until you restart the game. Then you can get a few fast fish just to dip into another time with no fish.

Other artifacts:

  • The friends list takes forever to load
  • Changing lures gives you the spinner
  • The markers arrive a day or more late

Please scale the server capacity when you have events and tournaments at the same time. The connection issues disappear or at least are less often after tournaments and events.

Edited by stepotronic
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